About Me

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I am Miss gemini which have two characteristic, socialable,Choosy and always wants the best (clothes n dressing especially outlooks)Temperamental.....(sometimes)Funny and humorous. (haiya talk a lot of creep n a bit lame)Loves to joke.Good debating skills....(especially when arguing with my brothers)Talkative. Abiding, Able to show character.Easily hurt. Prone to getting colds.Loves to dress up.Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"MIss Them"

Kinky Looks of Three of Us...

Working outside (away from home) is suck. I started to miss my Mom & my Siblings badly.

When I was in my hometown, I no need to worry that I am lonely
When I was in my hometown, I no need to worry on my meals
When I was in my hometown, I can cry loudly on my mom shoulders whenever I was down
When I was in my hometown, I can cook for my family members which I felt very fun and warm especially all of them gathering at the dinner table
When I was in my hometown, I will have company whenever I go shopping or cinema

This is vice verse when I was away from my hometown. I had to bear everything myself. This may not be bad things anyway; at least it taught me the meaning of being independent.

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